Empowering Survivors: Navigating the Path to Safety through Haven Legal Services

In the journey to protect survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking, Haven’s Legal Department plays a crucial role in providing support, guidance, and information to individuals navigating the legal system.

Haven currently aids with two types of restraining orders: Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Order and Civil Harassment Temporary Restraining Order. Temporary Restraining Orders (TROs) stand as crucial legal tools. These orders provide immediate relief and legal safeguards for individuals facing threats to their safety and well-being.

 Here is an overview of Haven Legal Services:

Providing Information to clients about the protection a restraining order can provide.

By supporting clients during the legal process, advocates can support clients as they navigate legal processes, such as court appearances, document submissions, and interactions with law enforcement.

Advocates provide safety planning. Clients having domestic violence or other safety concerns, legal advocates may work with clients to develop safety plans tailored to their individual circumstances.

Legal advocates provide referrals to support services. Connecting clients with additional support services, such as counseling, shelters, and community resources, to address broader needs beyond legal matters.

Advocates collaborate with legal professionals. Advocates can work closely with attorneys, paralegals, and other legal professionals to ensure comprehensive support for their clients.

Advocates empower and educate. Advocates empower clients by providing education on legal processes, enabling them to make informed decisions about their cases.

Crisis Intervention: Advocates provide immediate crisis intervention, especially in situations involving imminent danger or urgent legal matters.

Advocates monitor legal developments. Staying informed about changes in laws and legal procedures.

Legal advocates prioritize client confidentiality.


HAVEN clients often have barriers to access services. Those can be:

1.     Fear of Retaliation

2.     Financial Barriers

3.     Language and Cultural Barriers

4.     Lack of Awareness

5.     Immigration Status

6.     Stigma and Shame

7.     Geographic Isolation

 Addressing these barriers requires a multi-faceted approach, including public awareness campaigns, improved funding for legal aid services, and ongoing efforts to enhance the cultural competence of legal professionals. Legal services need to be not only accessible but also sensitive to the unique challenges faced by survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking.

HAVEN needs your support.

HAVEN has provided comprehensive services to our community since 1977. Your support is needed so that we can continue to support victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. If you are an attorney or a paralegal, please consider donating your services to our clients.  Our clients need your help to continue on their healing journey.