There are multiple needs of a survivor who makes the difficult decision to leave an abusive relationship.
Often, the highest barrier survivors have is the need for safe shelter. In many cases, HAVEN’s Emergency Shelter program is a vital resource for victims of abuse who are actively fleeing a dangerous living situation. It is an imperative part of the services offered by HAVEN as many victims find themselves unable to escape without this resource.
HAVEN’s shelter program provides a 4-week stay and gives survivors a safe space in an undisclosed location with advocates who are available 24 hours a day for crisis intervention and safety planning.
The screening process requires the survivor to contact HAVEN’s crisis line and request to be screened for shelter. Survivors will answer a series of questions that allow the advocate to determine their highest needs and barriers. When the shelter program is full, depending on funding availability, our SafeNight program can provides a 3-night stay in a partnering hotel. When both programs are full, the Crisis Response Specialist staff will provide referrals to community resources and victim providers in neighboring counties.
Get Help
Call (209) 577-5980 If you need emergency shelter to flee a domestic violence situation
The emergent needs of the Emergency Shelter are:
Funding for SafeNight
Gas Cards
Phones w/ Phone Card
Walmart Gift Cards
Donated Automobile Repair Services
Shoes Size 6-12
Pajamas All Sizes
Tote Supplies
New Twin Sheet
15-gallon Tote
Toiletry Items
Full Size Shampoo and Conditioner
Toothbrush and Toothpaste
Full Size Body Wash
Support HAVEN
To learn more about additional ways to support HAVEN contact Kathleen at (209) 284-4732 or by email at
Join us at our annual fundraiser walk “In Their Shoes” on April 1, 2023
For sponsorship questions contact
Kathleen at (209) 284-4732 or
For event specific questions contact
Brandy at (209) 284-4539 or